Pinterest Pretties #5 – Easter Ideas

Well, it’s been about a year since I did my last Pinterest Pretties post! How pathetic! Pinterest has gotten very difficult to deal with lately, with a lot of people pinning incorrectly, then other people re-pin, not realizing that it has been pinned incorrectly; and by incorrectly, I mean by linking to a Google images search or just the homepage of a blog, instead of clicking on the actually post, so you have to search for what you’re following the pin for… Anyway, this took me longer than I thought it would because of that, so take my advice and pin properly! hahaha! Enough of my ranting, on to the pretty Pinterest inspiration for Easter

Pinterest inspiration for Easter


1: Easter Bowtie DIY | Pinner  2: Easter Bunny Napkins | Pinner

3: Cute Easter Dress | Pinner  4: Easter Jar Decorations | Pinner

5: Grow Your Own Easter Grass | Pinner 

6: Easter Egg Paintchip Garland | Pinner

7: Easter Peep Garland | Pinner

“Pinspiration” – DIY I Spy Book via Pinterest

Do all of you love Pinterest as much as I do??? I mean, I definitely visit that website more than any other, especially on my iPhone while waiting at the doctor’s office, or in a school pick up line, etc! So many great ideas shared in one place… I bookmark lots of great ideas on Pinterest every day, and my number of Pinboards keeps growing.

The other day I found this Pin, about making your own I Spy Book for your kids, using their own toys! The woman who made this one did a fantastic job, and I exclaimed as I read her post, “I AM GOING TO DO THIS!!!” I knew my kids would love such a personal book to look through, containing their own toys, and it might even keep them busy on long car rides, at restaurants, etc. Very promising!

So, I got my huge roll of school variety white paper (from my mother the school teacher) and all of the baskets of toys, and got to work. The photos I made for my books are pretty easy, not too difficult for kids ages 3 to 5. But older kids would probably get bored with them. That’s my challenge with the last book I have to make for a little cousin. He’s 6, so I am going to add more photos, after I think it through a little more.

Here are some examples from my books:

DIY I Spy Book page

DIY I Spy Book Scrabble Tiles

DIY I Spy Book Cars Page 1

DIY I Spy Book Cars Page 2


I hope you enjoyed seeing how much fun these pages were to make, and I really hope that you go have fun making a DIY I Spy Book of your own! I can’t wait to give these to my kids… If you make one, leave a note in the comments with a link so I can see how creative you got! And be sure to click through to Delia Creates to see just how she made her books.


Pinterest Pretties #4 – Spring

Well, I have to apologize for the small selection today. I have had a hard time finding images that I can trace the source of. A lot of the good Spring inspiration pins lead to either a protected flickr stream or tumblr, which is quite hard to deal with. Hardly any sources! And all 3 of my kids are sick, so I don’t have much time today! So I hope that these are inspiring to you, and I apologize for the brevity! And let me clarify the whole Pinterest credits issue: When I post these, I post the source of the image (original) and the person on Pinterest who posted it when I saw it. Not the very first person who pinned it. Because I want to give credit to the person who brought it to my attention. Does that make sense? Is that wrong? What is your opinion? There is so much banter going on around the web about people giving proper credit. I just want to share beautiful things with my readers, but not spend hours on end even tracking the stylist of the photo as some suggest. If people want to know that, I provide the original source so they can check it out themselves…. Maybe I’m not picky enough….???

Pinterest Pretties #4 - Spring



1. Tutorial on Sisters of The Wild West via Erin Carney

2. Creative Spring flower arrangement on Martha Stewart via Emma Sole

3. Southern Living via Wendy Walker Cushing

4. Great cost effective Easter decoration from Notes from the Heartland via Andrea Hoinka

5. Sweet photograph from Titatoni via Renate Bretzke

6. A Spring-y decorating vignette from Nest Decorating via Erin Holland



Pinterest Pretties #3 – Green

Hello again! I have been so busy lately that I haven’t written in a while! Today, not only because of St. Patrick’s Day, but more so because I am planning my younger son’s birthday party (which is a green color theme), I have brought you some beautiful green inspiration from Pinterest. Check it out!


Pinterest Pretties #3 - Green



1. Carolyn Van Lang 2. Geoff Dudgeon 3. Brittany Jepsen

4. McKay Pittman 5. Kat Tankersley 6. Brooke Goodwin

7. Maya Lee 8. “Jen” 9. Kaitlyn Elizabeth 10. Kate Merriman



Pinterest Pretties #2 – Cupcakes!

Well, this week, I looked and looked on Pinterest, and found a few cupcakes that I liked, but for some reason I kept seeing the same ones re-pinned all over the place, instead of a lot of variety. So I pinned some more of my own finds. You can see them all on my cupcake Pinboard. I hope that these great cupcakes inspired someone out there to make their own party cupcakes! Here are my great finds:



1. Fields of Cake on Flickr 2. Cake Ink on Flickr

3. Cake Ink’s Flickr 4. Sprinkle Bakes 5. Fields of Cake on Flickr

6. Craft Gossip 7. Martha Stewart 8. Martha Stewart

9. Martha Stewart 10. Martha Stewart as well!

Pinterest Pretties – Party

I have started a new weekly feature, where I share with everyone my favorite pins on Pinterest for the week. For those of you who have never heard of Pinterest, this is how the website describes itself:

“Pinterest is a social catalog service. Think of it as a virtual pinboard — a place where you can post collections of things you love, and “follow” collections created by people with great taste.”

It is great fun to browse and “pin” on Pinterest! Very much a time-suck actually, but if you are looking for inspiration for a design, or a party, then that is the place to go!

This week I have found eight great finds that all have to do with parties, of course. Mostly decorating ideas, party supplies and dessert buffets that I like this time. Take a look…

Pins from Pinterest about parties



1) Adorable birthday crowns for the birthday princess from The Quilted Fish via Becca Sutton

2) Beautiful, and woodsy dessert table from Jenny Cookies via Amy Atlas’s Blog via Becca Sutton as well!

3) Salmon colored stripey paper straws (which I love for their old-fashioned soda shoppe appeal!) from Anthropologie via Leah Dent

4) Fabulously pink decorations and table set up from Martha Stewart Weddings also via Leah Dent

5) Tiffany Blue Polka-Dotted paper cups from Sambellina via Leah Dent

6) Soft and subtle birdy themed dessert table for a baby shower from Tip Junkie via Becca Sutton again! (Clearly, she and I have similar taste…)

7) Ribbon wands perfect for a princess party from Style Me Pretty via Kelly Beall

8.  And I really love these Mason jar drink dispensers from Pottery Barn – but I’m convinced I could find a DIY to get them at a lower price. Via Duet Letterpress.


Well, I hope you go and check out Pinterest, and make your own Pin Boards to bookmark anything your heart desires from around the net. Maybe you’ll even follow some of the Pinners I have referenced above…

I’ll be back tomorrow with a new Party Pack release and Free Party Printable.